Content MarketingSolicitors

Why Bother Writing Blog Posts for your Law Firm?

By October 18, 2024 No Comments
Law Firm Marketing

Your law firm needs to be clear, data driven and concise in order to get eyeballs and traffic

Writing content is crucial for any business yet trust me very few Irish solicitors and law firms appreciate its value.

When great content is distributed across your website and social media platforms it collectively 

  1. Drives traffic to your business.
  2. Encourages engagement with potential clients 
  3. Increases your firms profile (Brand) across a wider audience.

When you have a strong content marketing strategy it helps put your firm in the back of your consumers minds and when they need you you are automatically their first choice.

 What is Content Marketing ?

According to the Content Marketing Institute 

“Content marketing is a marketing technique of creating and distributing valuable, relevant and consistent content to attract and acquire a clearly defined audience -with the objective of driving profitable customer action” 

The key word here is value, content marketing is not a sales tool it is about consistently delivering relevant and valuable information for your clients.

If you consider the first 5 questions any client asks you on their first consultation and when you answer you give them the value of your opinion….that is relevant and valuable information.

Initial content creation can be the 5 things you need to know about …whatever aspect of law the consultation is about.

Content creation is not about revenue and creating sales it is about building rapport ,brand awareness and by driving traffic to your site it also increases your search engine results and your Google rankings.

In order to deliver content regularly all solicitors need a functioning modern website that represents their firm and delivers value for potential clients.Your website is your online shop front and needs to reflect who you are and what you do. 

All pages of your site should deliver valuable information efficiently for clients. 

If you give away relevant and valuable information freely potential clients will get to know ,like and trust you and contact you when they need legal services.

 Home page:

 needs to be clutter free and easy for people to find what they were looking for 

—whether it’s your about us page, your solicitor bios or the firm’s contact information.Make it easy for a potential client to get in touch by phone or email. Visitors will quickly leave your site if it takes more than a few seconds to find out how to reach you.

About You Page:

  Solicitors bio pages are even more important than a firm’s home page since they drive more  direct web traffic and are a key source of information for potential clients. You need to focus on your own unique set of skills and experience to help your page stand out from the masses.Why engage your firm ? 

Practice Listings:

  these pages are an ideal opportunity to illustrate how you work and win client cases. Consider each page a mini “about us” page that shows clients your approach to handling that particular service. Don’t just tell them you understand their needs, show them using concrete examples and case studies.Try and avoid the standard drop down “Laundry List of Services”

News Pages /Blog Pages :

The key to creating good content is to provide useful information. Answer the burning questions that your clients often ask you. Chances are, there’s a potential client who is wondering the same thing. Even better, try to anticipate their questions. Is there a new development in the law or something in the news that might affect your clients? Those kinds of topics make for great blog articles. When your blog is keyword and SEO (search engine optimised ) your article will be found online when searched and drives traffic to your website.

All firms should install Google Analytics on their website and benefit from the data and information freely available from the reports. The successful solicitors website in 2020 will have strong data analytics and measurement capabilities and will be focused on driving a strong return on every euro invested in social media and content creation.Google rank high quality content and it highlights the fact that you are an authoritative figure in your industry with content that is useful to others which means your site will rank higher.

High quality content posted to your blog on your website and shared on your firms social media platforms is as relevant for the legal industry as it is for all other professions and industries.

Technology is advancing every day. From AI to live streaming, the social media marketplace is an entirely different beast from the start of 2019. 

The year 2020 will be when marketing personnel and social media networks will integrate these advancements into their brands.

If you think this is not relevant for the legal business you could not be further from the truth. Useful and engaging content for your legal clientele is as vital for your firms growth as it is for any industry.

Susan Bourke

Author Susan Bourke

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