was launched in Ireland to supply Irish Lawyers with a state of the art web marketing system and to create the most complete and best value marketing solution a law firm can have.

Timely, well-written news that is of interest to current and prospective clients will help your firm maintain and enhance its reputation as being expert in its field, plain-talking, on the ball and client-centred – key attributes for driving practice growth and profitability.

We can help you keep your website up to date with articles designed to drive in instructions and client acquisition.

Susan Bourke has worked with the Law Society of Ireland on their CPD Cluster events nationwide and has first hand experience of Lawyers struggling to market their firm on the web and social media sites.

Susan Bourke heads up a highly qualified and professional writing team, which includes retained court reporters, and (crucially) a top class editing team. Bourke has an MA in Digital Marketing and has worked in retail and professional marketing for over 10 years. is the Irish site of the well known business , which was founded in 1997 by well-known professional practice marketing consultant Joe Reevy to provide consultancy services to professional services firms with a specific focus on techniques to improve profitability.

The Irish LegalRSS team are excited to bring this marketing platform to Ireland for Irish lawyers and to deliver on the ethos of our UK partners to be passionate about our Irish work and our Irish clients and aim to be the easiest people to do business with – ever!

Marketing Mini Series for Lawyers available on our blog page and live videos delivered weekly for FREE